I’d like to start the first post of my new blog by welcoming my new readers as well as those following me here from my original blog: Hotel Booking Systems.
As a professional within both the training and hospitality industry, I have focused much of my attention over the past six months on the hospitality element of my business life. This was for a number of reasons:
Firstly, the hospitality industry within Asia has been affected by the economic crisis much later and with less impact than within other industries and other parts of the world.
Secondly, I have been working closely with booking software developers and hoteliers to discover the best hotel booking system on the market. This is an ongoing quest, as systems must be ever-evolving; however, I have seen an enormous improvement in both customer service and product offerings over the last six months. Therefore, I am now able to devote more time to my second passion in life; corporate training.
And thirdly, the demand for corporate training within multinational companies slowed dramatically at the end of 2008 and into 2009. In January of this year, I wrote an article on my Hotel Booking Systems blog titled, “Hospitality Industry Training”, it was here that I applauded the hospitality industry for their ability to see the bigger picture. Hotel owners and GMs had increased the training opportunities for their employees, knowing that business would soon be slowing, employees would soon have more time available to them for training, and that customer service was more important now than ever.
However, I am optimistic that the requirement for training within multinational companies is increasing. I have spoken to a large number of GMs and HR Directors this month that, like the hospitality industry GMs, can now see the bigger picture. These industry leaders can see that without training, when the economic situation improves and business increases, they will be left with unmotivated, poorly trained employees with little time on their hands for improving their skills.
It is for exactly these reasons that now is the perfect time to dedicate more time to the training industry, put new batteries in my PowerPoint controller, and share some training expertise with the world.
And it is on that positive note that I will end the first article for my new 'Corporate Training' blog. I am excited by the prospect of sharing some inside news and information about how to get the most from your corporate training and business skills seminars.
Thanks for reading,
I’d like to hear any feedback or thoughts you have with regards to corporate training; if you have any insights or questions, please contact me on eharradine@hotmail.co.uk. Thanks.
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